
We gratefully acknowledge the invaluable kindness of the following foundations, international development agencies and trusts, whose financial support has made it possible to complete the work carried out so far:

For the Classical Tibetan Knowledge Archive and Multimedia Study Resource: The Ford Foundation (India), the Directorate General for Development of the European Commission, the Swedish International Development Agency, the Swiss Development Cooperation Agency, the Tiger Trust, Healing the Divide, Tides Foundation, the Camellia Foundation, and the Sir Dorabji Tata Trusts.

For the Classical Tibetan Arts, Masterworks and Artist Training Resource: The Ford Foundation (Beijing), the Christensen Fund, the Embassy of Sweden (Beijing), the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Mountain Institute, the Millepede Foundation, and the Prince Claus Fund.

We send out our heartfelt thanks to the Vice Chancellor of the Central University of Tibetan Studies, our hosts in India since 1993, and to a generous benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous.

We offer our sincere appreciation also for the great kindness and support of the senior lineage holders of the major cultural traditions of Tibet and to the librarians and staff of all our partner monasteries, nunneries and traditional educational institutes in Asia.

We also honour the kindness of library and museum staff internationally, who have freely contributed their time, and the generosity of corporations in Europe, North America and Asia who have contributed both software and hardware support.